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The Public Defender Association of Pennsylvania (PDAP) is a non-profit corporation whose membership consists of about 600 public defenders employed full or part time in Pennsylvania’s 67 county public defender offices of this Commonwealth.  

Incorporated in 1971, PDAP is a statewide community of public defenders dedicated to securing a fair justice system and ensuring high quality legal representation for people facing loss of life, freedom or family. 


Our Mission and Impact

Our mission is to provide tools, strategies, mutual support, training and information to Public Defender Offices in Pennsylvania; to be the voice of public defense in Pennsylvania; and to promote best practices in the leadership, management, and administration of justice in Pennsylvania.

About Us

This web site includes information about the organization, training material for Pennsylvania’s public defenders, and information about upcoming training events.  

To gain access to the training materials or to be added to the PDAP listserv, use the links on this web site or contact PDAP’s Executive Director, Sara Jacobson, at  Follow us on Facebook at

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